Monday, November 27, 2017

Something Something Soup Something

I actually held onto this one for a while, waiting for the right day to use it. I finally opened it up (you can play online here) and played. It's... odd.

It's a philosophical "game" where you categorize the things presented to you as either "soup" or "not soup." It varies the definitions of the liquid (some have ice, some are non-specific like "foamy liquid" and some are downright irresponsible like battery acid), the stuff in the liquid (meat, random household objects), the bowl (a coconut, a football helmet, a bowl), and the implement served alongside it (straw, fork, spoon, I'm pretty sure I remember seeing something like an axe?).

It's actually really interesting to see the results (your own and, on the website, those of others) to see how you define "soup." (Take note: it never says it actually has to be edible, it just says it has to be "soup" that can be served to the humans upstairs.)

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