Yeah, they made a Tamagotchi game for the Game Boy. And I've owned it all these years. It's... not very good. But I played it anyway.
The shiny black egg was always my favorite. |
Look at little Rafael, jumping around so happy! Well, until the last, like, half-second. |
They grow up so quickly, don't they? |
So, it's a lot like a real Tamagotchi... you feed them to boost Life, you play with them to boost Fun, one of the games is math-based so that boosts IQ, one of the games is sports-based so that boosts Body. When it poops, you wash it away, when it's sick, you can give it a shot or a pill (I honestly don't know the difference in-game), and when it's sleepy, you turn off the lights.
It's all really straightforward, except the games suuuck. The Smile Game, I think, is based on one from the actual Tamagotchis? (Forgive me, it's been about 17 years since I carried mine around.) But you guess whether it's going to look left or right, and you get five tries in a round, so you want to get at least three right so it's happy. There is a little skill to it (it wiggles back and forth until you choose, so once you figure out the rhythm, it SHOULD be a little easier) but sometimes it's off. It's really frustrating.
Also, the second night is SUPER long. There are three slots so you can be raising three Tamagotchi at once, but if you stick to one, you will be sitting there probably 15 minutes or so while you wait for your now-older Tamagotchi to wake up. I guess it's supposed to be like, a commentary on teenagers and how they can sleep in a lot? I don't know.
At any rate, I lost patience and Rafael is going to be stuck in adolescence for a long, long time, because I'm not coming back to this game anytime soon.