Friday, August 11, 2017


I hated this game. I really wanted to like this game but I'm so terrible at it, I hate it.

If you aren't familiar, Beseige is a game where you use engineering skills (of which I am apparently severely lacking) to build something to meet the objectives set before you, usually attacking some sort of establishment.

I nailed the first two (a tiny little cottage and a little wooden... lighthouse? something like that) but the third one had to do with navigating around land mines (and suicidal sheep) and I could NOT figure out how to build something that steered properly. There isn't any tutorial or anything, which I kind of like, because you have to use trial and error to figure out what you can and can't do with the pieces given to you, but at some point I have to wonder if I actually did pass physics in college. (The answer is yes, but not easily.)

Here is the most entertaining thing I managed to do in the game:

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